Source code for irc3

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from urllib.request import urlopen
from ipaddress import ip_address
from collections import deque
from .dcc import DCCManager
from .dcc import DCCChat
from .dec import dcc_event
from .dec import event
from .dec import extend
from .dec import plugin
from . import config
from . import utils
from . import rfc
from . import base
from .compat import asyncio
from .compat import Queue
import venusian
import time

[docs]class IrcConnection(asyncio.Protocol): """asyncio protocol to handle an irc connection"""
[docs] def connection_made(self, transport): self.transport = transport self.closed = False self.queue = deque()
[docs] def decode(self, data): """Decode data with bot's encoding""" encoding = getattr(self, 'encoding', 'ascii') return data.decode(encoding, 'ignore')
[docs] def data_received(self, data): data = self.decode(data) if self.queue: data = self.queue.popleft() + data lines = data.split('\r\n') self.queue.append(lines.pop(-1)) for line in lines: self.factory.dispatch(line)
def write(self, data): if data is not None: data = data.encode(self.encoding) if not data.endswith(b'\r\n'): data = data + b'\r\n' self.transport.write(data)
[docs] def connection_lost(self, exc): self.factory.log.critical('connection lost (%s): %r', id(self.transport), exc) self.factory.notify('connection_lost') if not self.closed: self.close() # wait a few before reconnect self.factory.loop.call_later( 2, self.factory.create_connection)
def close(self): if not self.closed: self.factory.log.critical('closing old transport (%r)', id(self.transport)) try: self.transport.close() finally: self.closed = True
[docs]class IrcBot(base.IrcObject): """An IRC bot""" _pep8 = [dcc_event, event, extend, plugin, rfc, config] venusian = venusian venusian_categories = [ 'irc3', 'irc3.dcc', 'irc3.extend', 'irc3.rfc1459', 'irc3.plugins.cron', 'irc3.plugins.command', ] logging_config = config.LOGGING defaults = dict( base.IrcObject.defaults, nick='irc3', username='irc3', realname='Irc bot based on irc3', host='localhost', mode=0, url='', passwords={}, flood_burst=4, flood_rate=1, flood_rate_delay=1, ctcp=dict( version='irc3 {version} - {url}', userinfo='{realname}', time='{now:%c}', ), # freenode config as default for testing server_config=dict( STATUSMSG='+@', PREFIX='(ov)@+', CHANTYPES='#', CHANMODES='eIbq,k,flj,CFLMPQScgimnprstz', ), connection=IrcConnection, ) def __init__(self, *ini, **config): update_config_needed = False if 'userinfo' in config or \ ('realname' in config and 'username' not in config): update_config_needed = True # pragma: no cover super(IrcBot, self).__init__(*ini, **config) if update_config_needed: # pragma: no cover # Backward compat. Remove me in 2017 self.log.fatal('realname has been renamed to username.') self.log.fatal('userinfo has been renamed to realname.') self.log.fatal('Please update your config with something like:.') if 'realname' in self.config: self.log.fatal('username = %(realname)s', self.config) if 'userinfo' in self.config: self.log.fatal('realname = %(userinfo)s', self.config) import sys sys.exit(-1) self.queue = None if self.config.asynchronous: self.queue = Queue(loop=self.loop) self.awaiting_queue = self.create_task(self.process_queue()) self._ip = self._dcc = None # auto include the sasl plugin if needed if 'sasl_username' in self.config and \ 'irc3.plugins.sasl' not in self.registry.includes: self.include('irc3.plugins.sasl') # auto include the autojoins plugin if needed (for backward compat) if 'autojoins' in self.config and \ 'irc3.plugins.autojoins' not in self.registry.includes: self.include('irc3.plugins.autojoins') @property def server_config(self): """return server configuration (rfc rpl 005):: >>> bot = IrcBot() >>> print(bot.server_config['STATUSMSG']) +@ The real values are only available after the server sent them. """ return self.config.server_config def connection_made(self, f): # pragma: no cover if getattr(self, 'protocol', None): self.protocol.close() try: transport, protocol = f.result() except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e) self.loop.call_later(3, self.create_connection) else: self.log.debug('Connected') self.protocol = protocol self.protocol.queue = deque() self.protocol.factory = self self.protocol.encoding = self.encoding if self.config.get('password'): self._send('PASS {password}'.format(**self.config)) self.notify('connection_ready') self.send(( 'USER {username} {mode} * :{realname}\r\n' 'NICK {nick}\r\n' ).format(**self.config)) self.notify('connection_made')
[docs] def send_line(self, data, nowait=False): """send a line to the server. replace CR by spaces""" data = data.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ') f = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) if self.queue is not None and nowait is False: self.queue.put_nowait((f, data)) else: self.send(data.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ')) f.set_result(True) return f
@asyncio.coroutine def process_queue(self): flood_burst = self.config.flood_burst delay = float(self.config.flood_rate_delay) flood_rate = delay / float(self.config.flood_rate) while True: if flood_burst == 0: future, data = yield from self.queue.get() future.set_result(True) self.send(data) yield from asyncio.sleep(.001, loop=self.loop) else: lines = [] for i in range(flood_burst): future, data = yield from self.queue.get() future.set_result(True) lines.append(data) if self.queue.empty(): break if lines: self.send(u'\r\n'.join(lines)) while not self.queue.empty(): yield from asyncio.sleep(flood_rate, loop=self.loop) future, data = yield from self.queue.get() future.set_result(True) self.send(data)
[docs] def send(self, data): """send data to the server""" self._send(data)
def _send(self, data): self.protocol.write(data) self.dispatch(data, iotype='out')
[docs] def privmsg(self, target, message, nowait=False): """send a privmsg to target""" if message: messages = utils.split_message(message, self.config.max_length) if isinstance(target, DCCChat): for message in messages: target.send_line(message) elif target: f = None for message in messages: f = self.send_line('PRIVMSG %s :%s' % (target, message), nowait=nowait) return f
def action(self, target, message, nowait=False): return self.privmsg(target, '\x01ACTION %s\x01' % message, nowait=nowait)
[docs] def notice(self, target, message, nowait=False): """send a notice to target""" if message: messages = utils.split_message(message, self.config.max_length) if isinstance(target, DCCChat): for message in messages: target.action(message) elif target: f = None for message in messages: f = self.send_line('NOTICE %s :%s' % (target, message), nowait=nowait) return f
[docs] def ctcp(self, target, message, nowait=False): """send a ctcp to target""" if target and message: messages = utils.split_message(message, self.config.max_length) f = None for message in messages: f = self.send_line('PRIVMSG %s :\x01%s\x01' % (target, message), nowait=nowait) return f
[docs] def ctcp_reply(self, target, message, nowait=False): """send a ctcp reply to target""" if target and message: messages = utils.split_message(message, self.config.max_length) f = None for message in messages: f = self.send_line('NOTICE %s :\x01%s\x01' % (target, message), nowait=nowait) return f
[docs] def mode(self, target, *data): """set user or channel mode""" self.send_line('MODE %s %s' % (target, ' '.join(data)), nowait=True)
[docs] def join(self, target): """join a channel""" password = self.config.passwords.get( target.strip(self.server_config['CHANTYPES'])) if password: target += ' ' + password self.send_line('JOIN %s' % target)
[docs] def part(self, target, reason=None): """quit a channel""" if reason: target += ' :' + reason self.send_line('PART %s' % target)
[docs] def kick(self, channel, target, reason=None): """kick target from channel""" if reason: target += ' :' + reason self.send_line('KICK %s %s' % (channel, target), nowait=True)
[docs] def invite(self, target, channel): """invite target to a channel""" self.send_line('INVITE %s %s' % (target, channel))
[docs] def topic(self, channel, topic=None): """change or request the topic of a channel""" if topic: channel += ' :' + topic self.send_line('TOPIC %s' % channel)
[docs] def away(self, message=None): """mark ourself as away""" cmd = 'AWAY' if message: cmd += ' :' + message self.send_line(cmd)
[docs] def unaway(self): """mask ourself as no longer away""" self.away()
[docs] def quit(self, reason=None): """disconnect""" if not reason: reason = 'bye' else: reason = reason self.send_line('QUIT :%s' % reason)
def get_nick(self): return self.config.nick def set_nick(self, nick): self.send_line('NICK ' + nick, nowait=True) nick = property(get_nick, set_nick, doc='nickname get/set') @property def ip(self): """return bot's ip as an ``ip_address`` object""" if not self._ip: if 'ip' in self.config: ip = self.config['ip'] else: ip = self.protocol.transport.get_extra_info('sockname')[0] ip = ip_address(ip) if ip.version == 4: self._ip = ip else: # pragma: no cover response = urlopen('') ip = ip = ip_address(ip) self._ip = ip return self._ip @property def dcc(self): """return the :class:`~irc3.dcc.DCCManager`""" if self._dcc is None: self._dcc = DCCManager(self) return self._dcc
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def dcc_chat(self, mask, host=None, port=None): """Open a DCC CHAT whith mask. If host/port are specified then connect to a server. Else create a server""" return self.dcc.create( 'chat', mask, host=host, port=port).ready
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def dcc_get(self, mask, host, port, filepath, filesize=None): """DCC GET a file from mask. filepath must be an absolute path with an existing directory. filesize is the expected file size.""" return self.dcc.create( 'get', mask, filepath=filepath, filesize=filesize, host=host, port=port).ready
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def dcc_send(self, mask, filepath): """DCC SEND a file to mask. filepath must be an absolute path to existing file""" return self.dcc.create('send', mask, filepath=filepath).ready
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def dcc_accept(self, mask, filepath, port, pos): """accept a DCC RESUME for an axisting DCC SEND. filepath is the filename to sent. port is the port opened on the server. pos is the expected offset""" return self.dcc.resume(mask, filepath, port, pos)
def SIGHUP(self): self.reload() def SIGINT(self): self.notify('SIGINT') if getattr(self, 'protocol', None): self.quit('INT') time.sleep(1) self.loop.stop()
def run(argv=None): bots = {} bot = IrcBot.from_argv(argv, botnet=bots) bots['bot'] = bot for section in list(bot.config): if section.startswith('bot_'): config = bot.config.pop(section) bots[section] = IrcBot.from_argv(argv, botnet=bots, **config) bot.loop.run_forever() return bots