Source code for irc3.plugins.command

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from irc3.compat import asyncio
from irc3 import utils
from collections import defaultdict
import functools
import venusian
import fnmatch
import logging
import docopt
import shlex
import irc3
import sys
import re
__doc__ = '''
:mod:`irc3.plugins.command` Command plugin

Introduce a ``@command`` decorator

The decorator use `docopts <>`_ to parse command arguments.


Create a python module with some commands:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/

    >>> import sys
    >>> sys.path.append('examples')
    >>> from irc3.testing import IrcBot
    >>> from irc3.testing import ini2config

And register it::

    >>> bot = IrcBot()
    >>> bot.include('irc3.plugins.command')  # register the plugin
    >>> bot.include('mycommands')            # register your commands

Check the result::

    >>> bot.test(':gawel!user@host PRIVMSG #chan :!echo foo')
    PRIVMSG #chan :foo

In the docstring, ``%%`` is replaced by the command character. ``!`` by
default. You can override it by passing a ``cmd`` parameter to bot's config.

When a command is not public, you can't use it on a channel::

    >>> bot.test(':gawel!user@host PRIVMSG #chan :!adduser foo pass')
    PRIVMSG gawel :You can only use the 'adduser' command in private.

If a command is tagged with ``show_in_help_list=False``, it won't be shown
on the result of ``!help``.

    >>> bot.test(':gawel!user@host PRIVMSG #chan :!help')
    PRIVMSG #chan :Available commands: !adduser, !echo, !help

View extra info about a command by specifying it to ``!help``.

    >>> bot.test(':gawel!user@host PRIVMSG #chan :!help echo')
    PRIVMSG #chan :Echo command
    PRIVMSG #chan :!echo <words>...
    >>> bot.test(':gawel!user@host PRIVMSG #chan :!help nonexistant')
    PRIVMSG #chan :No such command. Try !help for an overview of all commands.


You can use a guard to prevent untrusted users to run some commands. The
:class:`free_policy` is used by default.

There is two builtin policy:

.. autoclass:: free_policy

.. autoclass:: mask_based_policy

Mask based guard using permissions::

    >>> config = ini2config("""
    ... [bot]
    ... nick = nono
    ... includes =
    ...     irc3.plugins.command
    ...     mycommands
    ... [irc3.plugins.command]
    ... guard = irc3.plugins.command.mask_based_policy
    ... [irc3.plugins.command.masks]
    ... gawel!*@* = all_permissions
    ... foo!*@* = help
    ... """)
    >>> bot = IrcBot(**config)

foo is allowed to use command without permissions::

    >>> bot.test(':foo!u@h PRIVMSG nono :!echo got the power')
    PRIVMSG foo :got the power

foo is not allowed to use command except those with the help permission::

    >>> bot.test(':foo!u@h PRIVMSG nono :!ping')
    PRIVMSG foo :You are not allowed to use the 'ping' command

gawel is allowed::

    >>> bot.test(':gawel!u@h PRIVMSG nono :!ping')
    NOTICE gawel :PONG gawel!

Async commands

Commands can be coroutines:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/
  :language: py

Available options

The plugin accept the folowing options:

.. code-block:: ini

    cmd = !
    use_shlex = true
    antiflood = true
    casesensitive = true
    guard = irc3.plugins.command.mask_based_policy

Command arguments

The :func:`command` decorator accept the folowing arguments:

**name**: if set, use this name as the command name instead of the function

**permission**: if set, this permission will be required to run the command.
See Guard section

**use_shlex**: if `False`, do not use `shlex` to parse command line.

**options_first**: if `True` use docopt's options_first options. Allow to have
args that starts with `-` as arguments.

**error_format**: allow to customize error messages. must be a callable that
accept keyword arguments `cmd`, `args` and `exc`.
For example, `error_format="Error for {cmd}".format` will work.

**quiet**: if `True` don't show errors


[docs]class free_policy: """Default policy""" def __init__(self, bot): self.context = bot def __call__(self, predicates, meth, client, target, args, **kwargs): return meth(client, target, args)
[docs]class mask_based_policy: """Allow only valid masks. Able to take care or permissions""" key = __name__ + '.masks' def __init__(self, bot): self.context = bot self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.log.debug('Masks: %r', self.masks) @property def masks(self): masks = self.context.config[self.key] if hasattr(self.context, 'db'): # update config with storage values try: value = self.context.db[self] except KeyError: pass else: if isinstance(value, dict): masks.update(value) return masks def has_permission(self, mask, permission): if permission is None: return True for pattern in self.masks: if fnmatch.fnmatch(mask, pattern): if not isinstance(self.masks, dict): return True perms = self.masks[pattern] if permission in perms or 'all_permissions' in perms: return True return False def __call__(self, predicates, meth, client, target, args, **kwargs): if self.has_permission(client, predicates.get('permission')): return meth(client, target, args) cmd_name = predicates.get('name', meth.__name__) self.context.privmsg( client.nick, 'You are not allowed to use the %r command' % cmd_name)
def attach_command(func, depth=2, **predicates): commands = predicates.pop('commands', 'irc3.plugins.command.Commands') category = predicates.pop('venusian_category', 'irc3.plugins.command') def callback(context, name, ob): obj = context.context if info.scope == 'class': callback = func.__get__(obj.get_plugin(ob), ob) else: callback = utils.wraps_with_context(func, obj) plugin = obj.get_plugin(utils.maybedotted(commands)) predicates.update(module=func.__module__) cmd_name = predicates.get('name', func.__name__) if not plugin.case_sensitive: cmd_name = cmd_name.lower() plugin[cmd_name] = (predicates, callback) aliases = predicates.get('aliases', None) if aliases is not None: for alias in aliases: plugin.aliases[alias] = cmd_name obj.log.debug('Register command %r %r', cmd_name, aliases) else: obj.log.debug('Register command %r', cmd_name) info = venusian.attach(func, callback, category=category, depth=depth) def command(*func, **predicates): if func: func = func[0] attach_command(func, **predicates) return func else: def wrapper(func): attach_command(func, **predicates) return func return wrapper @irc3.plugin class Commands(dict): __reloadable__ = False requires = [ __name__.replace('command', 'core'), ] default_policy = free_policy case_sensitive = False def __init__(self, context): self.context = context module = self.__class__.__module__ self.config = config = context.config.get(module, {}) self.log = logging.getLogger(module) self.log.debug('Config: %r', config) if 'cmd' in context.config: # in case of config['cmd'] = context.config['cmd'] context.config['cmd'] = self.cmd = config.get('cmd', '!') context.config['re_cmd'] = re.escape(self.cmd) self.use_shlex = self.config.get('use_shlex', True) self.antiflood = self.config.get('antiflood', False) self.case_sensitive = self.config.get('casesensitive', self.case_sensitive) guard = utils.maybedotted(config.get('guard', self.default_policy)) self.log.debug('Guard: %s', guard.__name__) self.guard = guard(context) self.error_format = utils.maybedotted(config.get('error_format', "Invalid arguments.".format)) self.handles = defaultdict(Done) self.tasks = defaultdict(Done) self.aliases = {} def split_command(self, data, use_shlex=None): if not data: return [] return shlex.split(data) if use_shlex else data.split(' ') @irc3.event((r'(@(?P<tags>\S+) )?:(?P<mask>\S+) PRIVMSG (?P<target>\S+) ' r':{re_cmd}(?P<cmd>[\w-]+)(\s+(?P<data>\S.*)|(\s*$))')) def on_command(self, cmd, mask=None, target=None, client=None, **kw): if not self.case_sensitive: cmd = cmd.lower() cmd = self.aliases.get(cmd, cmd) predicates, meth = self.get(cmd, (None, None)) if meth is not None: if predicates.get('public', True) is False and target.is_channel: self.context.privmsg( mask.nick, 'You can only use the %r command in private.' % str(cmd)) else: return self.do_command(predicates, meth, mask, target, **kw) def do_command(self, predicates, meth, client, target, data=None, **kw): nick = self.context.nick or '-' to = client.nick if target == nick else target doc = meth.__doc__ or '' doc = [l.strip() for l in doc.strip().split('\n')] doc = [nick + ' ' + l.strip('%%') for l in doc if l.startswith('%%')] doc = 'Usage:' + '\n ' + '\n '.join(doc) if data: if not isinstance(data, str): # pragma: no cover encoding = self.context.encoding data = data.encode(encoding) try: data = self.split_command( data, use_shlex=predicates.get('use_shlex', self.use_shlex)) except ValueError as e: if not predicates.get('quiet', False): self.context.privmsg(to, 'Invalid arguments: {}.'.format(e)) return docopt_args = dict(help=False) if "options_first" in predicates: docopt_args.update(options_first=predicates["options_first"]) cmd_name = predicates.get('name', meth.__name__) try: args = docopt.docopt(doc, [cmd_name] + data, **docopt_args) except docopt.DocoptExit as exc: if not predicates.get('quiet', False): args = {'cmd': cmd_name, 'args': data, 'args_str': " ".join(data), 'exc': exc} error_format = predicates.get('error_format', self.error_format) self.context.privmsg(to, error_format(**args)) else: uid = (cmd_name, to) use_client = isinstance(client, asyncio.Protocol) if not self.tasks[uid].done(): self.context.notice( client if use_client else client.nick, "Another task is already running. " "Please be patient and don't flood me", nowait=True) elif not self.handles[uid].done() and self.antiflood: self.context.notice( client if use_client else client.nick, "Please be patient and don't flood me", nowait=True) else: # get command result res = self.guard(predicates, meth, client, target, args=args) callback = functools.partial(self.command_callback, uid, to) if res is not None: coros = ( asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(meth), asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self.guard.__call__) ) if any(coros): task = asyncio.ensure_future( res, loop=self.context.loop) # use a callback if command is a coroutine task.add_done_callback(callback) self.tasks[uid] = task return task else: # no callback needed callback(res) def command_callback(self, uid, to, msgs): if isinstance(msgs, asyncio.Future): # pragma: no cover msgs = msgs.result() if msgs is not None: def iterator(msgs): for msg in msgs: yield to, msg if isinstance(msgs, str): msgs = [msgs] handle = self.context.call_many('privmsg', iterator(msgs)) if handle is not None: self.handles[uid] = handle @command def help(self, mask, target, args): """Show help %%help [<cmd>] """ if args['<cmd>']: args = args['<cmd>'] # Strip out self.context.config.cmd from args so we can use # both !help !foo and !help foo if args.startswith(self.context.config.cmd): args = args[len(self.context.config.cmd):] args = self.aliases.get(args, args) predicates, meth = self.get(args, (None, None)) if meth is not None: doc = meth.__doc__ or '' doc = [l.strip() for l in doc.split('\n') if l.strip()] buf = '' for line in doc: if '%%' not in line and buf is not None: buf += line + ' ' else: if buf is not None: for b in utils.split_message(buf, 160): yield b buf = None line = line.replace('%%', self.context.config.cmd) yield line aliases = predicates.get('aliases', None) if aliases is not None: yield 'Aliases: {0}'.format(','.join(sorted(aliases))) else: yield ('No such command. Try %shelp for an ' 'overview of all commands.' % self.context.config.cmd) else: cmds = sorted((k for (k, (p, m)) in self.items() if p.get('show_in_help_list', True))) cmds_str = ', '.join([self.cmd + k for k in cmds]) lines = utils.split_message( 'Available commands: %s ' % cmds_str, 160) for line in lines: yield line url = self.config.get('url') if url: yield 'Full help is available at ' + url def __repr__(self): return '<Commands %s>' % sorted([self.cmd + k for k in self.keys()]) class Done: def done(self): return True @command(permission='admin', show_in_help_list=False, public=False) def ping(bot, mask, target, args): """ping/pong %%ping """ bot.send('NOTICE %(nick)s :PONG %(nick)s!' % dict(nick=mask.nick)) @command(venusian_category='irc3.debug', show_in_help_list=False) def quote(bot, mask, target, args): """send quote to the server %%quote <args>... """ msg = ' '.join(args['<args>'])'quote> %r', msg) bot.send(msg) @command(venusian_category='irc3.debug', show_in_help_list=False) def reconnect(bot, mask, target, args): """force reconnect %%reconnect """ plugin = bot.get_plugin(utils.maybedotted('irc3.plugins.core.Core')) bot.loop.call_soon(plugin.reconnect) @irc3.extend def print_help_page(bot, file=sys.stdout): """print help page""" def p(text): print(text, file=file) plugin = bot.get_plugin(Commands) title = "Available Commands for {nick} at {host}".format(**bot.config) p("=" * len(title)) p(title) p("=" * len(title)) p('') p('.. contents::') p('') modules = {} for name, (predicates, callback) in plugin.items(): commands = modules.setdefault(callback.__module__, []) commands.append((name, callback, predicates)) for module in sorted(modules): p(module) p('=' * len(module)) p('') for name, callback, predicates in sorted(modules[module]): p(name) p('-' * len(name)) p('') doc = callback.__doc__ doc = doc.replace('%%', bot.config.cmd) for line in doc.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if line.startswith(bot.config.cmd): line = ' ``{}``'.format(line) p(line) if 'permission' in predicates: p('*Require {0[permission]} permission.*'.format(predicates)) if predicates.get('public', True) is False: p('*Only available in private.*') p('')