.. include:: ../README.rst Installation ============== Using pip:: $ pip install irc3 Quick start =========== irc3 provides a basic template to help you to quickly test a bot. Here is how to create a bot named ``mybot``. Create a new directory and cd to it: .. code-block:: sh $ mkdir mybot $ cd mybot Then use the template: .. code-block:: sh $ python -m irc3.template mybot This will create an almost ready to use ``config.ini`` file and a simple plugin named ``mybot_plugin.py`` that says «Hi» when the bot or someone else joins a channel and includes an ``echo`` command. Here is what the config file will looks like: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/config.ini :language: ini And here is the plugin: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/mybot_plugin.py Have a look at those file and edit the config file for your needs. You may have to edit: - the autojoin channel - your irc mask in the ``irc3.plugins.command.mask`` section Once you're done with editing, run: .. code-block:: sh $ irc3 config.ini Check the help of the ``irc3`` command. .. code-block:: sh $ irc3 -h If you're enjoying it, you can check for more detailed docs below. And some more examples here: https://github.com/gawel/irc3/tree/master/examples Documentation ============= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :glob: dec utils rfc dcc reloadable plugins/* hack Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`