Reloadable plugins ================== .. note:: if you just want the bot to restart when you change a file during development you can use `hupper `_:: $ pip install hupper $ hupper -m irc3 config.ini irc3 provides a way to reload plugins without restarting the bot. To do that, your plugin should provide a ``reload`` class method:: class Plugin(object): def __init__(self, bot): = bot @classmethod def reload(cls, old): """this method should return a ready to use plugin instance. cls is the newly reloaded class. old is the old instance. """ return cls( Plugins can also implement a few hooks to help take care of reloads:: class Plugin(object): def __init__(self, bot): = bot def before_reload(self): """Do stuff before reload""" def after_reload(self): """Do stuff after reload""" .. >>> from irc3.testing import IrcBot >>> bot = IrcBot(includes=['mycommands']) To reload a plugin, just call the :func:`~irc3.IrcBot.reload` method with module name(s) to reload:: >>> bot.reload('mycommands')