Source code for irc3.dec

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from irc3.utils import wraps_with_context
from irc3.compat import asyncio
import venusian
import re

[docs]def plugin(wrapped): """register a class as plugin""" setattr(wrapped, '__irc3_plugin__', True) setattr(wrapped, '__irc3d_plugin__', False) return wrapped
[docs]class event: """register a method or function an irc event callback:: >>> @event('^:\S+ 353 [^&#]+(?P<channel>\S+) :(?P<nicknames>.*)') ... def on_names(bot, channel=None, nicknames=None): ... '''this will catch nickname when you enter a channel''' ... print(channel, nicknames.split(':')) The callback can be either a function or a plugin method If you specify the `iotype` parameter to `"out"` then the event will be triggered when the regexp match something **sent** by the bot. For example this event will repeat private messages sent by the bot to the `#irc3` channel:: >>> @event(r'PRIVMSG (?P<target>[^#]+) :(?P<data>.*)', iotype='out') ... def msg3(bot, target=None, data=None): ... bot.privmsg('#irc3', ... '<{0}> {1}: {2}'.format(bot.nick, target, data)) """ venusian = venusian def __init__(self, regexp, callback=None, iotype='in', venusian_category='irc3.rfc1459'): if iotype == 'out': re_out = getattr(regexp, 're_out', None) if re_out is not None: regexp = re_out try: re.compile(getattr(regexp, 're', regexp)) except Exception as e: raise e.__class__(str(e) + ' in ' + getattr(regexp, 're', regexp)) self.regexp = regexp self.iotype = iotype self.callback = callback self.venusian_category = venusian_category self.iscoroutine = False if callback is not None: self.iscoroutine = asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(callback) def async_callback(self, kwargs): # pragma: no cover return self.callback(**kwargs) def compile(self, config): regexp = getattr(self.regexp, 're', self.regexp) if config: regexp = regexp.format(**config) return re.compile(regexp).match def __call__(self, func): def callback(context, name, ob): obj = context.context if info.scope == 'class': self.callback = getattr(obj.get_plugin(ob), func.__name__) else: self.callback = wraps_with_context(func, obj) # a new instance is needed to keep this related to *one* bot # instance e = self.__class__(self.regexp, self.callback, venusian_category=self.venusian_category, iotype=self.iotype) obj.attach_events(e) info = self.venusian.attach(func, callback, category=self.venusian_category) return func def __repr__(self): s = getattr(self.regexp, 'name', self.regexp) name = self.__class__.__name__ return '<bound {0} {1} to {2}>'.format(name, s, self.callback)
def dcc_event(regexp, callback=None, iotype='in', venusian_category='irc3.dcc'): """Work like :class:`~irc3.dec.event` but occurs during DCC CHATs""" return event(regexp, callback=callback, iotype='dcc_' + iotype, venusian_category=venusian_category)
[docs]def extend(func): """Allow to extend a bot: Create a module with some useful routine: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ .. >>> import sys >>> sys.path.append('examples') >>> from irc3 import IrcBot >>> IrcBot.defaults.update(asynchronous=False, testing=True) Now you can use those routine in your bot:: >>> bot = IrcBot() >>> bot.include('myextends') >>> print(bot.my_usefull_function(1)) my_usefull_function(*(1,)) >>> print(bot.my_usefull_method(2)) my_usefull_method(*(2,)) """ def callback(context, name, ob): obj = context.context if info.scope == 'class': f = getattr(obj.get_plugin(ob), func.__name__) else: f = func setattr(obj, f.__name__, f.__get__(obj, obj.__class__)) info = venusian.attach(func, callback, category='irc3.extend') return func