Source code for irc3.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from unicodedata import normalize
from .compat import asyncio
from . import tags
import configparser
import importlib
import functools
import textwrap
import logging
import os
import re

    BaseString = unicode
except NameError:  # pragma: no cover
    BaseString = str

def slugify(value):
    if not isinstance(value, BaseString):  # pragma: no cover
        value = value.decode('utf8', 'ignore')
    value = normalize('NFKD', value)
    value = value.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')
    value = re.sub('[^\w\s\.-]', '', value).strip().lower()
    value = re.sub('[-\s]+', '-', value)
    value = re.sub('-*\.+-*', '.', value)
    return value

[docs]class IrcString(BaseString): """Argument wrapper""" @property def nick(self): """return nick name: .. code-block:: py >>> print(IrcString('foo').nick) foo >>> print(IrcString('foo!user@host').nick) foo >>> IrcString('#foo').nick is None True >>> IrcString('').nick is None True """ if '!' in self: return self.split('!', 1)[0] if not self.is_channel and not self.is_server: return self @property def lnick(self): """return nick name in lowercase: .. code-block:: py >>> print(IrcString('Foo').lnick) foo """ nick = self.nick if nick: return nick.lower() @property def host(self): if '!' in self: return self.split('!', 1)[1] @property def username(self): """return user name: .. code-block:: py >>> print(IrcString('foo!user@host').username) user >>> IrcString('#foo').username is None True >>> IrcString('').username is None True """ if and '@' in return'@', 1)[0] @property def hostname(self): """return host name: .. code-block:: py >>> print(IrcString('foo!user@host').hostname) host >>> IrcString('#foo').hostname is None True >>> IrcString('').hostname is None True """ if and '@' in return'@', 1)[1] @property def is_user(self): return '!' in self @property def is_channel(self): """return True if the string is a channel: .. code-block:: py >>> IrcString('#channel').is_channel True >>> IrcString('&channel').is_channel True """ return self.startswith(('#', '&')) @property def is_server(self): """return True if the string is a server: .. code-block:: py >>> IrcString('').is_server True """ if self == '*': return True return '!' not in self and '.' in self @property def is_nick(self): """return True if the string is a nickname: .. code-block:: py >>> IrcString('foo').is_nick True """ return not (self.is_server or self.is_channel) @property def tagdict(self): """return a dict converted from this string interpreted as a tag-string .. code-block:: py >>> from pprint import pprint >>> dict_ = IrcString('aaa=bbb;ccc;').tagdict >>> pprint({str(k): str(v) for k, v in dict_.items()}) {'aaa': 'bbb', 'ccc': 'None', '': 'eee'} """ tagdict = getattr(self, '_tagdict', None) if tagdict is None: try: self._tagdict = tags.decode(self) except ValueError: self._tagdict = {} return self._tagdict
[docs]def split_message(message, max_length): """Split long messages""" if len(message) > max_length: for message in textwrap.wrap(message, max_length): yield message else: yield message.rstrip(STRIPPED_CHARS)
[docs]class Config(dict): """Simple dict wrapper: .. code-block:: python >>> c = Config(dict(a=True)) >>> c.a True """ def __getattr__(self, attr): return self[attr]
[docs]def parse_config(main_section, *filenames): """parse config files""" filename = filenames[-1] filename = os.path.abspath(filename) here = os.path.dirname(filename) defaults = dict(here=here, hash='#') defaults['#'] = '#' config = configparser.ConfigParser( defaults, allow_no_value=False, interpolation=configparser.ExtendedInterpolation(), ) config.optionxform = str[os.path.expanduser('~/.irc3/passwd.ini')] + list(filenames)) value = {} for s in config.sections(): items = {} for k, v in config.items(s): if '\n' in v: v = as_list(v) elif v.isdigit(): v = int(v) elif v.replace('.', '').isdigit() and v.count('.') == 1: v = float(v) elif v in ('true', 'false'): v = v == 'true' and True or False items[k] = v if s == main_section: value.update(items) else: for k in ('here', 'config'): items.pop(k, '') value[s] = items value.update(defaults) value['configfiles'] = filenames return value
[docs]def extract_config(config, prefix): """return all keys with the same prefix without the prefix""" prefix = prefix.strip('.') + '.' plen = len(prefix) value = {} for k, v in config.items(): if k.startswith(prefix): value[k[plen:]] = v return value
[docs]def as_list(value): """clever string spliting: .. code-block:: python >>> print(as_list('value')) ['value'] >>> print(as_list('v1 v2')) ['v1', 'v2'] >>> print(as_list(None)) [] >>> print(as_list(['v1'])) ['v1'] """ if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): return value if not value: return [] for c in '\n ': if c in value: value = value.split(c) return [v.strip() for v in value if v.strip()] return [value]
[docs]def as_channel(value): """Always return a channel name: .. code-block:: python >>> print(as_channel('chan')) #chan >>> print(as_channel('#chan')) #chan >>> print(as_channel('&chan')) &chan """ if not value.startswith(('#', '&')): return '#' + value return value
def parse_modes(modes, targets=None, noargs=''): """Parse channel modes: .. code-block:: python >>> parse_modes('+c-n', noargs='cn') [('+', 'c', None), ('-', 'n', None)] >>> parse_modes('+c-v', ['gawel'], noargs='c') [('+', 'c', None), ('-', 'v', 'gawel')] """ if not targets: targets = [] cleaned = [] for mode in modes: if mode in '-+': char = mode continue target = targets.pop(0) if mode not in noargs else None cleaned.append((char, mode, target)) return cleaned def wraps_with_context(func, context): """Return a wrapped partial(func, context)""" wrapped = functools.partial(func, context) wrapped = functools.wraps(func)(wrapped) if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): wrapped = asyncio.coroutine(wrapped) return wrapped
[docs]def maybedotted(name): """Resolve dotted names: .. code-block:: python >>> maybedotted('irc3.config') <module 'irc3.config' from '...'> >>> maybedotted('irc3.utils.IrcString') <class 'irc3.utils.IrcString'> .. """ if not name: raise LookupError( 'Not able to resolve %s' % name) if not hasattr(name, '__name__'): try: mod = importlib.import_module(name) except ImportError: attr = None if '.' in name: names = name.split('.') attr = names.pop(-1) try: mod = maybedotted('.'.join(names)) except LookupError: attr = None else: attr = getattr(mod, attr, None) if attr is not None: return attr raise LookupError( 'Not able to resolve %s' % name) else: return mod return name
class Handler(logging.Handler): def __init__(self, bot, *targets): super(Handler, self).__init__() = bot self.targets = targets def yield_records(self, record): for record in self.format(record).split('\n'): for t in self.targets: yield t, record def emit(self, record):'privmsg', self.yield_records(record))
[docs]class Logger(logging.getLoggerClass()): """Replace the default logger to add a set_irc_targets() method"""
[docs] def set_irc_targets(self, bot, *targets): """Add a irc Handler using bot and log to targets (can be nicks or channels: .. >>> bot = None .. code-block:: python >>> log = logging.getLogger('irc.mymodule') >>> log.set_irc_targets(bot, '#chan', 'admin') """ # get formatter initialized by config (usualy on a NullHandler) ll = logging.getLogger('irc') formatter = ll.handlers[0].formatter # add a handler for the sub logger handler = Handler(bot, *targets) handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.addHandler(handler)